Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pieces of Flesh...

We've said it before and we'll say it again. We have the BEST staff in the entire world. Summer after summer we are blown away at who the Lord brings to K-7 and how he uses them to further His kingdom! We're only here for 3 months (or in some cases 7 weeks) but God does some incredible, amazing and indescribable things in our hearts in that short amount of time.

The majority of the ground at K-7 is pea gravel. It surrounds the TP areas, lake, office area and many other places around Kamp. A common theory around here is that each of those rocks is a little piece of flesh that the Lord has chipped off of as he is sanctifying us by his Spirit. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says:

"Therefore, If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."

Day by day he is transforming us into the image of His Son and ridding us of our fleshly selves. It is rare that we will leave Kamp the same person we were when we walked through the gates.

Because our staff is going, going, going all the time, teaching classes, sharing Christ with kids and using available moment to be intentional with their kampers they can get pretty tired- both physically and spiritually! We give each of our staff members one day off a week for them to rest, relax and rejuvenate in order to come back to kamp refreshed and ready to dive back in!

One of our staff members, Ben Telaneus, used his last day off (we call them 24's here at kamp) to go up to Joplin and serve. He had no agenda or itinerary, he didn't know anyone there, he merely felt the tug of the Spirit pulling him towards Joplin.

Watch his story below.

Ben is just one example of how the Lord is continually ridding us of ourselves and filling us with more of HIM! We feel incredibly blessed and humbled to be here and have the unbelievable opportunity to teach kids about Jesus and allow Him to work in and through us! Our daily prayer is that God wouldn't cease to chip off those pieces of flesh and each and every one of us will leave here looking more like him, ridding us of our old selves and making us new in Him!