Sunday, July 10, 2011

Table Rock Lake Baptisms.

Week after week we see kampers make decisions for the Lord, either to turn their lives around and live for Christ or to follow Christ for the first time. Week after week we see God move in powerful ways and are continually blown away at how he is sanctifying us! It is no wonder, then, that K-Seven holds a special place in the hearts of so many of our kampers! In some instances there are Kampers who want to make their decision public through baptism! They know that baptism does not save them but is merely an outer expression of their inner decision to follow the Lord!

Every Saturday after closing ceremonies we head down to the lake. Kampers wanting to get baptized,parents and siblings and staff walk down the rocky hill toward gorgeous Table Rock Lake to hear an encouraging word from Keith and participate in the baptisms! Many times the dads of the kampers will hop in the lake and baptize their child with Keith! It's always such a special moment.


We're so grateful for all that the Lord does at K-7 and all of our precious kiddo's that come to know him for the first time while they are here and that we get the opportunity to watch so many kids make their profession of faith public! There is rarely a dry eye down at the lake! We are the luckiest staff in the world!