Monday, July 18, 2011

Snail Mail

There are so many things we love about being at Kamp. From the time with kids, to 'smores, to relationships with other staff members and the blob! Our day at the office includes: ziplining, archery, slip-n-sliding, canoeing, pool time and even nap time (FOB)! Who wouldn't want a job like that!

On the ever growing list of "why we love kamp" is good ol' snail mail! Whether we are here for a week, 6 weeks or all summer, we have the unique opportunity to separate ourselves from the busyness and distractions of the world. That means no texting. No Facebook. No phone calls. No e-mailing. No Twitter. No TV. We have to resort to the old fashioned way of communicating (and we LOVE it!)

Our friends and families love it as well as our office girls have their hands full day in and day out with the amount of mail that comes through K-Seven on a daily basis!

Today alone we have 90 packages, 200 letters and 300 e-mails sent to staff and kampers..and that is about average for every other day!

Receiving a letter or package is an automatic daymaker around here. We love watching our kampers come up to the office and see their face light up as they open their package!

Shoot us a line! We'd love to hear from you!

118 K-7 Drive
Lampe, MO 65681